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Women at War

Denouncing the Suppression of Powerful Women

There is an article zipping around my social media faster than wildfire in a dry hedge. Called, “Behold Your Queen: The Real Conflict in Captain Marvel,” the author starts the article with the following:

” The most recent Marvel thriller, Captain Marvel, cannot be accused of hiding its uniform. In the lead actress’s own words, “It’s mythology, it’s story, and it’s the human experience on this large scale. And on top of it, they said they [directors and the powers that be at Disney] wanted to make, like, the biggest feminist movie of all time.” Written by women and led by a woman, Captain Marvel hoped to be for women what Black Panther was for the black community. “

Let’s first dissect this opening paragraph. It seems to me the author has an issue with the current state of the feminist movement, and if that is the case, so do I. There are too many instances of women using their influence to belittle men in the name of the feminist movement. But with those faults aside, feminism simply seeks to achieve what only God’s truth can: the treatment of men and women to be done with a sense of equal value of self and humanity. Depending on my audience, I will both say “I am a feminist” and “I am not a feminist,” but I’m not simply playing sides: I’m setting boundaries to what that person defines as “feminism” if it does not align with my idea of “feminism.” If someone says, “The future is female. Men just need to step aside and get used to it. I’m a feminist,” I would reply, “Then I am not a feminist.” Because I do not agree with their philosophy.

Christians and Feminism

Let’s put down some basic groundwork. In any culture, you can easily see how close they align to the truth of the Bible in relation to how the women flourish or wither. The God of the Bible elevates women to a position of worth. If women are suppressed, degraded, or abused as a matter of culture, that culture does not have the love of God. This is not something that is limited to third world countries or the monster of the economic jungle. In “churches,” I have seen women degraded, their God-given gifts suppressed at best and at worst, punished, all in the name of “righteousness.” “Women were made to serve and obey men, therefore . . .” has been the start to many oppressive examples of spiritual abuse.

When we denigrate a woman, we are in fact diminishing part of the image of God. When we exclude women, we exclude part of God. When we put women down, we tarnish the image of God.

Christine Caine

What a disgrace to the truth of God and to the pinnacle act of His very good Creation!

Feminism ≠ Misandry

I have established my belief of feminism to not be abusive to men, and that the Bible supports the uplifting treatment of women. Let’s look at some definitions so we can all be on the same page.

noun: feminism

  1. the advocacy of women’s rights on the basis of the equality of the sexes.

noun: misandry

  1. dislike of, contempt for, or ingrained prejudice against men (i.e. the male sex).

Since the author is writing for a Christian website, and the Bible supports equal, eternal worth of men and women as very good creations made in the image of God, the author can only infer that Brie Larson’s quote about the movie refers to misandry, which could be read as “the biggest man-hating movie of all time.”

Except . . . it wasn’t?

The author further writes,

I do not blame Marvel for inserting the trending feminist agenda into its universe. Where else can this lucrative ideology — which contrasts so unapologetically with reality — go to be sustained, if not to an alternative universe? Verse after verse, story after story, fact after fact, study after study, example after example dispels the myth of sameness between the sexes. The alternative universe where an accident infuses the heroine with superhuman powers, however, seems to stand as a reasonable apologetic for the feminist agenda. “

The author seems to be falling into the exact same trap that too many modern-day misled feminists do; that equality or feminism means to cut everyone down to the same level. Imagine if there were a height standard in the NBA to keep those who were at a natural advantage not be permitted to play. It would also mean that anyone not born to that exact height would be eliminated out of something outside of their control instead of being measured by what they can accomplish. That would be absurd!

Equality ≠ Sameness

No one can be exactly the same. What a boring world that would be. No one is going to grow up with the same affluence, the same opportunities, talents, advantages, or abilities. But nowhere in the movie was that the message. The author simultaneously accuses the film of perpetuating the false ideology of sameness but at the same time, calls it a failure in that attempt.

“So, did the movie live up to the hype? Did it come close to being “the biggest feminist movie ever,” the Uncle Tom’s Cabin of the movement? Squint as I might, I can’t imagine how it did.”

So was it the biggest man-hating movie that he sets it up to be, or wasn’t it???

I’m honestly not sure whether I agree with this man or not. But I can tell you one thing for certain, no where in the film were men belittled or prejudiced against because of their gender.

In fact, it is quite the opposite: throughout the film, it was misogyny that was the norm, with Carol Danvers being punished and berated for being or doing things commonly associated with masculinity. She was too competitive. Too daring. Too confident.

Too much.

The idea of a woman as anything less than a man completely devalues her. How do you measure, “less confidence than a man,” “less courageous than a man,” “less competitive than a man?” The idea is absurd. Women are not less than. And it was for those qualities that the character Carol Danvers was mistreated as a child and berated and belittled as an adult, because it were those qualities that drove her to take bold actions.

But is jumping bikes over ramps, or hiking over a mountain, or flying jets, or any of these activities actually something women should not do? Since the author is a Christian as I am, I look through the lens of the Bible and come up short: nowhere does it forbid females to do . . . any of those things.

Not once.

What is Femininity?

The author makes a claim against the movie shifting society’s values of femininity to something “new” and apparently dangerous.

“As I consider Disney’s new depiction of femininity in Captain Marvel, I cannot help but mourn. How far we’ve come since the days when we sought to protect and cherish our women . . . Along with Disney, we abandon the traditional princess vibe, and seek to empower little girls everywhere to be strong like men.”

This begs the question: what does it mean to be “strong like men?” What is that standard for that? How does my friend, inspiring athlete, and First Female Titan Emily Andzulis fit into the equation? Is she strong like a man? Or is she strong like a woman? I know plenty of men who aren’t able to do half of what this incredibly dedicated woman can do. So . . . if she exceeds the ability of some men, does that mean she should tone it down? And if the value of a man is what we seek as the standard, which man? Because I happen to be quite an accomplished woman with talent, training, and intelligence that exceeds the standard – and yes, that standard includes men.

So which man or men is it Disney is asking little girls to be like?

It would be a far better thing to say, “[Disney encourages us to] abandon the traditional princess vibe (which was set up during a European rule in a society that often forced women to look and dress a certain way that killed them slowly), and seek to empower little girls everywhere to be strong.

Women can be strong. Women can be smart. Women can be cruel and abusive. Women can accomplish as much as any man can because we, too, are made in the image of God with volition and, whether those choices be to use our God-ordained abilities for good and eternity or for self and the temporal, determine the effect we have on our communities. God made men and women distinct for the sole purpose of His honor and glory and a relationship with Him.

Is a woman strong and bold? Then she is inherently strong and bold as a woman. Is a man kind and full of hospitality? Then he is kind and hospitable as a man. There is no other possibility.

The only comparison we should make with regards to gender is, “Am I acting with the Spirit of Christ?”

Seeing What You Want

I think the author finally gets around to his real gripe with the movie in the latter half of his article. He states,

“The ideology that sends Brie Larson soaring fictionally around outer space has sent our real daughters, mothers, and sisters — devoid of such superpowers — to war to serve and die in place of men.”

Maybe? I mean, does he have evidence that this empowering attitude and appreciation of the potential of womankind is what has propelled women to take rank among the enlisted force of our nation’s military? How is he sure that isn’t the misogyny that has pushed them into that corner? Isn’t it more likely that the constant depreciation of women and their capabilities that tried to compress them into a quiet corner were the catalyst that instead shot them to the front lines where they can finally say, “I told you so?” Why bother to cast blame when it can be found everywhere instead of celebrating the immense amount of good such an “ideology” can bring?

I celebrate a movie whose ideology says “girls can fly planes,” “girls can be kind,” “girls can run fast,” or “girls can be strong.” I cheer on the team of women who created a film whose message rings clear with, “girls don’t have to prove their worth.” Carol Danvers’ story resonates with me in ways that Wonder Woman cannot. I know what it is like to have men (and sometimes women) tell you “you can’t do that” or “maybe you’re not right for this” only to then turn right around and learn how to do it anyway, not out of spite, but because I knew somewhere in my soul identity, that I was created to do so, so much, and I wasn’t going to let their disbelief or misogynistic ideals limit what God had intended for me.

Queens Don’t Intimidate Kings

I love my husband, and for those that know us, there is no doubt that my husband is the spiritual authority in our home. Ultimately, we both know he is responsible to God for what our family does. In some homes, that responsibility creates fear, and that fear drives a need for power which results in a domination over the spirit of women in a way that does not align with Scriptures. Women are not God’s appointed servants to men.

In as short as I can in this post so as not to derail from the original topic, let’s go over what the word behind the translation “help meet” is.

And the LORD God said, It is not good that the man should be alone; I will make him an help meet for him.

Genesis 2:18

The Hebrew word behind the translation, “help meet,” is “ezer kenegdo.” It is also in other translations termed, “helper” or “suitable companion.” But neither of these spark any true excitement in my soul – neither do they bring to life the beauty behind the words God said when speaking of the Woman He was to shape.

John Eldredge of Ransomed Heart Ministries says, “‘It means something far more powerful than just “helper”; it means “lifesaver.” The phrase is only used elsewhere of God, when you need him to come through for you desperately. “There is no one like the God of Jeshurun, who rides on the heavens to help you” (Deut. 33:26). Eve is a life giver; she is Adam’s ally. It is to both of them that the charter for adventure is given. It will take both of them to sustain life. And they will both need to fight together.'”

That is certainly a more thrilling and lofty calling than simply being someone’s subservient. To be fair, the word is very difficult to translate. A good way to get a richer understanding of the words are to see how else they are used throughout the Scriptures. As it happens, the word “ezer” is used 21 times in the Old Testament.

Jimena of has summarized the context of usage into three categories: 1, used for the woman, 2, used for nations that came to military aid to Israel in a time of need, and 3, used to describe God as Israel’s helper. She further explains,

What these Bible verses have in common is that Ezer is used consistently in military context. The Ezer is a warrior. You are a warrior.

The Hebrew word Kenegdo means opposite as to him or corresponding as to him. A woman is no better or less than the man. Man and woman are equally and uniquely created, a perfect fit.

Wow. That is infinitely more exciting, rewarding, and dare I say, dangerous, than the simple thought of being a servant.

You see, from the very beginning, battle lines were drawn between our Enemy and womanhood. Satan has a special interest in bringing down women because of his hatred for her as the bearer of the Savior.

I will make you and the woman hate each other; her offspring and yours will always be enemies. Her offspring will crush your head, and you will bite her offspring’s heel.” 

Genesis 3:15, GNT

To deny that there is a special target on the back of a woman is to deny Scripture. When people say women aren’t supposed to go to war, they ignore the obvious: we already are. Satan has been gunning us down, trying to take us out, and use any means to get there, even perverting the use of Man, our protectors, to be the very thing that kills us.

If men are afraid or threatened by powerful women, then they don’t appreciate the special calling we have next to their aside as allies and “warriors at their side,” or they do not have their identity and significance seated in the completed work of Christ.

Kings aren’t threatened by Queens.

A Hero(ine) of Our Own

Have you ever gone to the gym and felt intimidated the others already in there, breaking a sweat, with their bulging muscles already pumped and primed? It is really hard to see yourself being able to lift what they lift because the difference in the chasm of comparison is too great.

But if they showed you a picture of themselves before they started their routine? What if they ended up just being your average Joe? (sorry to all the Joe’s and Joseph’s and Josephine’s out there – you are all valid and worthwhile.) Suddenly, you see something of you in the person they used to be. That chasm has shrunk, and now, you start thinking of ways to cross it. It now all seems possible.

That is representation in a nutshell.

For years, half of the human spectrum has had no other option but to look at male heroes and make connections and draw lessons of character from men. And now that a female heroine has arisen, men seem to squawk and quack and clamor that it’s a vile detriment to society. But for women and girls? We see a part of ourselves in Carol Danvers. We see the little girl who was mistreated, bullied, and laughed at simply because of her birthright as woman.

To me, it seems the author missed the point of the movie entirely and looked for a way to jump on board a popular topic to harp about a personal gripe to a larger audience. I’m not here to debate the “place” of a woman on the frontlines – I’m too busy fighting the war right here. But you know what the message of the movie really was? “You can’t always choose what is given to you, but you can choose what you do with it.”

And that is a message that anyone can use.

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Star Wars Celebration: Cosplay Prep Guide

Star Wars​ Celebration Chicago is quickly approaching. It’s just one month away! To help you prep for the best week of your cosplay career, here are some helpful tips to help you along the way!

This post may contain affiliate links. For more on that, check here.

1) Monitor your hydration

With only one month between now and the hustle and bustle that is #SWCC, you need to make sure you are getting your body prepared. Most of the time, cosplays require a lot more from your body. There is nothing quite so draining as hauling bins or bags full of heavy cosplay supplies and luggage, only to walk all day for many days, covered in paint or thick heavy clothes. You will SWEAT! Use an app like FitBit or Water Drink Reminder on Google Play to help keep you on track. And don’t forget to bring an empty water bottle. You can fill it up at the water fountains for free. And when bottled water is for sale upward of $4 a bottle, trust me, you’ll be able to save all that extra cash for great souvenirs! This water bottle below is less than the cost of four overpriced bottles of water, and you need to drink almost double that a day for healthy hydration when you’re sweating!

2) Continue a nightly routine – or start one

This is especially important if your costume requires makeup, body paint, glue, or a prosthetic. These take an extra toll on your skin, so make sure you are prepped. Be sure to use a quality moisturizer that is non-comedogenic so not to block your pores, and use a simple, gentle face wash every night. If your costume requires makeup or face paint, consider doing a facial scrub this week! To keep your skin in tip-top shape, watch what you eat for this next month and avoid any foods that are high in unhealthy fat, sugar, or cause inflammation.

3) Check your supplies and do pre-con maintenance

This is critical at this stage. Make sure that your makeup brushes are washed and dried before packing them. Do an inventory of your supplies. It’s almost never too late to get 2-day shipping on Amazon Prime or Wal-Mart if you find you’re missing an essential item. And if you really need something you’re missing, check with your lodging. Some hotels let you ship packages in your name during your stay! Check your costume and ensure that everything is in tip-top shape. Are the buttons secure? Is everything freshly laundered and prepped?

4) Stock up on supplies

Celebration is going to be a great time, and you can make it easier to enjoy yourself by keeping a few basics in your bag.

*Snacks/one-pack meals (I like The Complete Cookie and Lara Bars)
*Water bottle
*Painkiller of choice
*Makeup/cosplay emergency kit
*Portable chargers or cords for devices
*Poster tube
*Collapsible bag for additional purchases

Keeping at least these few essentials will be sure to keep you prepared for fun on the con floor.

And speaking of the con floor,

5) Familiarize yourself with the venue

Get a map and print it out or save it to your mobile device. Take note of where you need to be and when, and give yourself plenty of time to get through lines. Take stock of where the bathrooms are (you’ll need them if you’re properly hydrated!) and know where stairs or elevators are located.

6) Manage money matters

If you’re travelling, be sure to contact your financial institution and let them know! As a former banker, I can’t tell you how many times someone’s card had been used out of state and the automatic systems and securities in place prevented further use only for it to end up that the client had simply traveled without calling ahead.

You’ll also want to have at least $100 worth of cash on hand. Why? Because if with all of the precautions, sometimes technology just sucks. And you will be at CELEBRATION. This is the con of a LIFETIME. You don’t want to see that signed edition of the poster for sale and not be able to purchase because it of some technical glitch.

It is also a smart idea to set up payment apps available for your mobile device, like your phone. Between Apple Pay, Google Pay, and Samsung Pay, there is probably a way to set up a payment option right on your cell! To be honest, I haven’t been able to locate my wallet for about a week (oops), but I haven’t gone without buying necessities; I have my Paypal connected to my phone, and through the Samsung Pay app, it operates like a debit card, pin security included. The benefits to this payment apps is that you can store all of the relevant payments options in one place, such a credit card, a debit card, and Paypal, without having to worry about your wallet. Besides, most of us never leave the house without our phones!

Bring a credit card. In addition to your other money solutions, having a credit will help in many ways. If someone does manage to steal your credit card, they haven’t tapped into your liquid assets (like your bank account) and you can still be sure to pay the bills. Also, many credit card companies such a MasterCard, Visa, etc offer extra protections and insurance for you during travel, like roadside assistance if your rental breaks down, etc. Be sure to confirm with your credit card company if these perks apply to you.

And last, but not least . . .

7) Patience (and FUN!)

There are going to be thousands of people from all over the world and long, overnight queues. Take time now to rest and take it easy, and give yourself the option to be human. Your character may be a super hero, but your body has needs. Take time to pay attention to what those are and take stock of your body every hour that you are in costume. By taking care of yourself, you’ll set yourself up for a fun and safe Star Wars Celebration.

So what do you think? Are they any other tips you would add? Sound off in the comments below!

Have fun at Celebration!

"XOXO, Amber" in hand-styled script

P.S. I’ve got a downloadable checklist for you right here!

P.P.S. Watch below if you want details on how I do my Hera makeup. It’s a long, real time video with no edits. If you want to learn specific parts, there is a video directory in the pinned comment!

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6 Books for Successful Christian #BossBabes

A graphic of four women from the back shows them linking arms. The text reads "6 Books for Successful Christian #BossBabes."

More and more in this social age, women are looking for the perfect balance of raising their families, saving money, and earning income, all while hoping for the miraculous schedule of time managed by yourself. Wow! It’s no wonder that there are so many books on self-improvement, time management, and character building. And while those are helpful and great experience often lies between the pages, it is doubly refreshing to find a book that teaches you practical ways to better your business ventures while nourishing your soul and deepening your relationship with God.

This post may contain affiliate links. For more on that, check here.

  1. Girls with Swords by Lisa Bevere

In Girls with Swords, Lisa likens our prayers to swords, and goes through practical steps on how to sharpen your prayers. With shared personal experiences and analogies to sword fighting, this will empower to better your spiritual life.

2. Fervent by Priscilla Shirer

I’ve mentioned this book before, but that hasn’t stopped me. And I will definitely post about it again, because it is my favorite devotional book I’ve read in years. The full title, Fervent: A Woman’s Battle Plan for Serious, Specific, and Strategic Prayer says it far better than I can. I love how Shirer does not pull any punches. She lays it out just like the Bible says: this is war. But our war is spiritual, and no physical weapons of ours will have any effect. She gives practical applications and tools, all while citing Scripture, to enable you to create prayers to defend you, your family, and claim your territory for God through prayer.

Find me on Pinterest!

Perhaps if you’re like me, prayer is something you know you should do, and do often, but it never feels like you’re really doing much. Not anymore! Shirer pulls back the curtain on spiritual warfare, exposes the tactics of our Enemy, and illuminates the struggles of our day to day for the spiritual battle they really are. This book is part manual, part journal, and part exposé of Satan’s playbook. In similar fashion to C.S. Lewis in The Screwtape Letters, she skillfully gets into the enemy’s mindset to fumble our greatness in Christ.

I mean, just zoom in on these clips. Top right: She starts each chapter with, “If I were your enemy.” Top left: The book includes cards for you to personalize with your personal struggles and the prayers she helps you build with the framework of Scripture. And look! Bottom left: she opens the book with a quote from The Lord of the Rings! Trust me, you will love this book.

It will challenge you. It will inspire you. You cannot read this book as a child of God and not leave changed and empowered.

I know I have said a lot more about this work than I will about the rest, but that is how much this book has changed my life. I am absolutely not inflating its potency. While all of these books have added to my life and knowledge and opened my eyes to truth, this one in particular is my favorite. If you buy just one, this is the one to get!

3. Grace Not Perfection by Emily Ley

Oh, dear sweet Emily. She is a fantastic author who endears readers to her immediately through her warmth and authenticity she conveys expertly through the pages. It’s almost like sitting down with her over a cuppa in your favorite coffee shop as she chats honestly about her life, its challenges, and the lessons God has taught her along the way.

Especially if you’re like me, always pushing yourself to get more done, seeking efficiency, grinding for results, hustling – Emily offers a quiet admonition to pause and appreciate rest and how to give yourself grace through the growing process. This is definitely the book for those who have a hard time saying no!

4. Make it Happen by Lara Casey

Don’t let life happen to you – make it happen! I could say a lot about this book, but Lara says it best:

You were created for a purpose, and it’s time to make it happen.Make It Happen is the story of how I surrendered my fear, took the leap, and got a life. In my case, a perfectly imperfect, fulfilling life as a mama, a working woman, and a grateful wife. This is the story of how I chose to make “it”―a greater purpose than mine―happen, and how you can too.
Make It Happen is for

  • women who find themselves worried, anxious, and completely overwhelmed by the constant chase for perfection
  • those seeking the courage to jump into a new venture
  • working women who are struggling to “do it all”
  • weary wives and moms looking for relief from burning the candle at both ends
  • anyone who dreams of a life lived not by accident, but on purpose

Your time has come to take a leap of faith. Join me as we surrender our fears, end the chase for perfection, and say yes to cultivating the meaningful lives God desires for us.

You know all those things you’ve always wanted to do? You should go do them.

5. 100 Days to Brave by Annie F. Downs

If you have not been moving due to fear or insecurity, 100 Days to Brave will take on a journey – over the course of 100 days – to tackling your fear and embracing faith so that you can accomplish the dreams God has planted in your heart. This is a great companion to any of the books listed. The devotions are short and sweet, and are encouraging word alongside your daily Scripture reading.

6. Cultivate by Lara Casey

If the garden of your life feels overrun and overgrown, or dry and neglected and withering, Lara is here to help you navigate through the seasons of life to a place of nurture through cultivation.

We can’t do it all, and do it well. But, we can choose to cultivate what matters.

Lara Casey, Cultivate

Lara grace-filled advice helps you get to the nitty gritty and not be afraid of getting a little messy for what matters.

I have so many more books to recommend to you! (I love reading self development and devotional books.) Be sure to stay tuned for more of my fave reads!


"XOXO, Amber" in hand-styled script
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An Indie Palette You’ll go WILD For!

You may not have heard of Menagerie Cosmetics yet, but believe me, you will be seeing more of them! Founded in October 2018, this independent beauty company makes all of their products in house, and proceeds from certain products goes to support the Animal Welfare Institute. This Washington based company is of course cruelty free and vegan, which is why it shows up on the blog!

This 12 color palette includes 9 matte shades and three duo-chromes. The pans are a good size, the top flap hold a large mirror, and the packaging is simply magical.

Just look at this packaging!!! A glorious wolf-lord, adorned with antlers, looks like the King of the Forest. Pretty little fairies flit around and make images of sparkle and magic dance in your mind.

I ordered two palettes from them, this and their Dragon Child palette, which I’ll reviewing later. Both came in great condition. Only the Wolfling shade, second from the top right, was loose and moving about in flakes. It appears to have been jostled too hard, but I did not lose any amount of product to speak of, and it still works fine. The company would have sent me a replacement pan if I asked, but I don’t think it warrants a replacement.

The colors are vibrant and true to pan. I do wish the teal color would be brighter, but I have yet to experiment with all my different priming solutions. Only the colors Ivy and Fenris were blotchy on application, but again, this is a finger swatch and not on face on top of product which drastically changes performance. Below, you can see where I used Ivy and Fenris in the crease, and the pigmentation is even and smooth.

They apply well and blend nicely with very little fallout on the matte. The duo-chromes have considerable fallout, but that is totally normal for that type of formula – and it is SO worth it!

This palette is sumptuous and unpredictable. With its several neutral tones and vibrant pops of color that refused to be missed, it comes across just as wild as nature. The packaging matches the brand’s aesthetic of the fantastic and ethereal, and the colors and performance are a joy. I honestly want to buy more of their stuff based on the packaging alone! Plus, helping animals. Win win!

And yes; I did this look to coordinate with my D&D shirt.

Be sure to go to my instagram to check out my stories with videos of the swatches and palette, plus more to come!

Do you own it? What do you think? Be sure to tag me on your looks. I would love to see them!

"XOXO, Amber" in hand-styled script